Brooklyn Historical Society

On Monday, we went to Brooklyn Historical Society, where we met up again with Julie and Robin. The building is really nice and even antique looking, even the grand stairs creaked! We learned about maps and its collection. My group was assigned three maps but i did the cadastral map also known as a property map of Greenpont Pierre. i learnt that the Greenpont family was a very wealthy family of Brooklyn Heights. Their property extended from Ramsen street to Greenpont and in the middle would be Constable, known today as Montegue street, all the way to the water front at the bay, overlooking New York City.  it was a pretty interesting story and piece of history that Mrs. Robin had shared with us. after that we did some impromptu speeches that Mr. Davis had told us to do and shared with the class our discoveries of Downtown Brooklyn in the 1800s and 1900s. It also did get cold in the library, just like they had said before in class.

i would maybe incorporate a manuscript map or a pictorial map in my destination because i want to show my audience what was along the way, something easier to follow so they dont get bored and not go with it.

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