Daily Archives: October 2, 2012

my destination

my destination is the Plymouth church which is located at hicks street. to get there you have to walk from city tech to Tillary street then turn  right on Cadman  plaza.then turn left on pineapple  walk then keep walking and then … Continue reading

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my walk to brooklyn historical society

my walk to the BHS was amazing. I didn’t know what to expect. i love the place. the historical society has stacks of books on the shelf. and i learned that as time went pass the types of maps changed.  maps were … Continue reading

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After visiting the Brooklyn Historical Societ, it made me think of what kind of map I would use to help people visit my site that I talk about in my essay. Since we learned about the differen types , and … Continue reading

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Visit to Brooklyn Historical Society

On Monday October 1, for our Effective speaking and English class we went on a trip to Brooklyn Historical Society. Brooklyn Historical society contains content from all throughout Brooklyn`s history as well as from the other 5 borough’s in New … Continue reading

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essay 2 -my destantion

  this is a picture of fort greene park my detestation of choice for essay two. appox. 15  min from the school. it is located in the area fort Greene. which might some familiar to us in ms. rosen English … Continue reading

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“Brooklyn historical society”

On Monday the first the class took a field trip to the Brooklyn historical society. there for the first time we were able to see the library and archives in person. and it was defiantly a sight to be seen. … Continue reading

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A map to my essay

If I were to include a map in my next essay, it would most likely be a property map. It would detail the owners of the area through which I walked and you would immediately notice a difference between the … Continue reading

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My Walking Adventure (Sort of -_-)

So, you begin at the entrance of city tech corresponding to the bookstore. You then walk straight up and then turn onto the path leading to the Brooklyn Historical society. You continue your trek until you reach the water front. … Continue reading

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