what would my map include

if i had to make a map for my essay 2 it would most likely be a map to get to the destination of my picture. the map would be a road map including all the little streets and every little detail that is needed to read map carefully and correctly. i would make the map on a computer because that way it would be more legible. i would also inlcude a compass rose to help the user know which way is where. i would include historical landmarks that could help the user realize where he or she is. i would also include facts about the area. they would be like tiny fun facts that would keep the reader interested. this map would be very easy to follow. i would also include a scale as a it can be a helpful guide to know how far the destination is truly. another key feature my map would have is beautiful illustrations. i want it to have beautiful illustrations because it would look more intriguing and fancy. this map would have a highlighted route form city tech to my destination. it would make everything simple and less confusing for the traveler. my map would also include subway directions for travelers that are not form city tech. that way anyone would be able to reach my destination with the slightest ease. in order to make the viewer more comfortable i would add phone number or a hot line that they can call incase that get lost.

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