Where I’m from

Where I’m from, the trees tower above you. The wind blows gently onto your face. The sun shines onto rooftops, and the birds sing in the morning. Children are always about, playing, and screaming.

Where I’m from, people sit on doorsteps at night. Kids play outside as well. Even when it’s dark, you can see them outside, of course with an parent nearby. They happily play, as if it was daytime. Back when i was a kid, this was unheard of.

Where I’m from, cultures mix, east and west meet. Old  meets new, among old cultures, one can see new  ones. A Chinese restaurant can be right next to an cafe. This shows how two different cultures can mix together in my neighborhood.

Where I’m from you can hear sirens on occasions. Sometimes we even see our neighborhood mentioned on the news. Some people even say that where I’m from is unsafe. Hell, at first i was afraid too, especially going home after dark. After living here for a while, i have gotten used to it. It’s really not bad, in fact i quite like it here.

Where I’m from it is quiet, and noisy at the same time. Many different ideas, and traditions come together, both old and new. There are times when crime is present, and rumors are about. This is my home, however, it is where I’m from, so it’s alright.

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