where I’m from

Where Iā€™m from is a place you really donā€™t want to be. Where Iā€™m from you donā€™t walk the streets alone especially at nights. And if you must you walk with protection and hope itā€™s never 3 on 1. Where Iā€™m from the drunks are always out on the same spot each day. The older guys hit on the young ones that walk their way. Where Iā€™m from drugs are pretty common with the people walking around half high out of their minds and the dealers donā€™t hide.

Where Iā€™m from gangs are all around and kids in even middle school throw up there signs and show there colors. Where Iā€™m from if youā€™re not in a gang you at least know someone who is and most likely more than one. The high school kids get scanned on their way in the building but it never does any good. Where Iā€™m from men and women fight on the streets. But where Iā€™m from no one lets a man beat a woman not even the elderly they all join in to fight the man.

Where Iā€™m from teens are stopped often by cops just based on their looks. Searched in front of everyone to see.Ā  Where Iā€™m from you get followed home by creeps and if you donā€™t pay attention than youā€™re out of luck. Youā€™ll hear on the news of a child that had been raped, or killed on the street.

Where Iā€™m from there are certain areas you just canā€™t be if you donā€™t know the ā€œrightā€ people. And the ā€œrightā€ people are the ones you really shouldnā€™t be around. Knowing people is a big thing here because who you know can also mean who youā€™re protected by and who youā€™re not supposed to be around.

Where Iā€™m from is still my home, the neighbors know each other very well. You donā€™t go unseen anywhere you go. Help is usually around when its needed and smiling faces arenā€™t hard to be found. People help each other even if they donā€™t know each other and this is Jamaica ave the weirdest and interesting place to be from.

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