walking tour

on our walking tour we walked around the streets of downtown brooklyn. this was more a green area surrounded by buildings that were under construction. i have never been to that part of brooklyn before. it was an amazing experience. we walked across streets and parks and many places. I also saw columbus park there. i always though columbus park was in manhattan. the parks around the area are beautiful. the area is so peaceful and quiet. when we were walking i saw a variety of people. businessmen, average workers, joggers, pedestrians, animals and many more. the atmosphere was amazing. our first stop was at a government building which used to be a theater. this theater was a very busy place. unfortunately it burned down and caused many deaths because of it poor safety. many middle class people died in the terrorizing event. the fire burnt the building down to the point where only the structure was left. The bodies of the victims could not be identified because of how bad the burns were. Our next stop was statue. this statue was of a man that was a very famous public speaker. he fought for the rights of african americans in a very peculiar way. maybe that is the reason why he is not very well known anymore. we continued our walk and ended at BHS. the building was amazing. it was painted red and had heads of famous people carved in stone. it looked very old but very well maintained. i look forward to going inside and see what they have in store for us.

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