My journey walking around

On Wednesday I decided to venture out of the school to explore and see the are around my school. So to me this was a great experience to get to be familiar with Brooklyn since I am from Queens. First I started off by walking to the Bookstore in our school and exited out threw the doors. Then I crossed the street to the area we visited on our walking tour which was the old theatre. This took me a total of five minutes to reach, so after i walked towards the market place and passed the statue of Henry Ward Beecher, then walked toawards the Brooklyn Historical Society. By then I reached Clinton Street, where I went down approximately five blocks straight down till you see a playground. Finally, once you get to the playground you will see an amazing view of the Brooklyn Bridge, along with the Statue of Liberty and all of Manhatan is displayed in front of you. It is truly a feast for your eyes and really shows you how New York is the city that never sleeps. I watched trucks go by on the bridge, helicopters taking off and landing and people jogging. Now on your way back all you have to do is go straight until you see the BHS and then cross the street, go through the park and before you know it you are back on the campus of City Tech, I really recommend for you guys to check out the waterfront.

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