The Walking Tour

During the walking tour, we as a class traveled from City Tech to the outskirts of the brooklyn historical society. I was able to see many different sites and scenery. I noticed the many greenery that exists near and around the school. The first stop on the tour was to the building where you go to declare bankruptcy. It was a theater back in the day that way the site of a horrific fire. This fire claimed the lives of many people, more than what was even accounted for when it was first reported. This theater was a very prominent place for people to watch plays and it prospered from its many audiences before the fire.     We were then brought to a statue of a not very well known anti-slavery activist named Beacher. He was known for his very controversial methods towards showing his views on racism and slavery. Lastly we walked the rest of the way to the brooklyn historical society and we able to examine the outskirts of the building. The building had many faces, faces that were well known throughout history. Overall, the walking tour was fun and a great learning experience. We were able to see different side to the area around our school and what historic sites once stood in the surrounding area.

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