Walking tour

During our last class for English we went on a small walking your of the neighborhood around our school. Two ladies that work at the Brooklyn Historical Society. We started our tour by going past a big white building which looked very beautifully crafted with nice windows and doors. I learned that this was once a theatre and the site of the worst fire and tragic moment in this neighborhoods history. Now it is a government Building and being renovated and restored. So then we walked to a nice more open area where we saw a statue of a man. The ladies explained to us this man was named Henry ward Beecher who played a strong role to end slavery in Brooklyn. After we examined and talked about this statue, we walked to Clinton street. If you notice most the signs are brown this means they are a landmark and the buildings have to follow strict codes to preserve the classic look. Then we dropped them off and went to class. This walk showed me that history is all around us and every square inch of New York is full of history and a lot of forgotten history as well. Finally I personally went on my own walk around and went down to the waterfront that Prof. Davis mentioned, it was a feast for the eyes. All you see if the city on front of you, helicopters talking off and landing , the Brooklyn bridge extending across the water and further out you can see the statue of Liberty, I really recommend you guys to go and check it out !

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