the walking tour

On wednesday we had the walking tour. We learned about the old theater that had burned down during a play. It is now a court house and a post office which seems to be an odd change in my own opinion. The theater had burned down in 30 minutes which is extremely fast but was caused by the oil paints used for the scenery and the gas lamps for lighting.  We also looked at a statue not too far from the building; it was of a man who exposed the horrible things done to slaves. He may have fought for the slaves but was also known to be racist himself. The statue even shows this with the way there is a slave woman who is dressed in less and on a lower level then himself. Lastly we had seen the outside of the Brooklyn historical society. This is where we learned it was a rich man’s place and the statues on the building were of only white rich men.  The building itself is an amazing piece of work.

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