Revised summary of fort greene dreams

This story Fort Greene Dreams was written by Nelson George an aspiring music and culture critic, journalist, filmmaker and life helper . In the story, he explains mostly about his move from Queens to Brooklyn. This seemed like a pleasant settlement in his life around this time. He states that he was born and raised in Brooklyn but in a part that’s nothing like the one he was moving to now. The part of Brooklyn that he was moving to now is called Fort Greene. He was raised in a substandard part of Brooklyn called Brownsville. It wasn’t much different because up the block from his house were public housing. Around the time he was moving there it was around the 1980′s where other aspiring African American artist would be living also. This was an experience he would remember his whole life. It transformed him from the person that he was before to the person that he is today. He lived around the corner from the popular film maker Spike Lee & other popular artists. He also stated that Spike Lee was one of his friends way before he moved to Fort Greene so this made him even more driven to move there.

In the story he wrote about how ecstatic he was to be able to live closer to Manhattan and being only a couple minutes away because in Queens he had to take long subway rides on the E and F, which aren’t fun at all. In his new home is where he wrote some of his best sellers and got some of his best inspirations from. He talked about the first night in his office looking out his window and seeing a thief try and get away with items through his backyard only to be caught by the police. He also talked about the one time he allowed himself to be robbed of his collectibles by being careless and leaving his door open. He also wrote about the different networking parties that Spike threw where he would meet other artists and become mentors to them in a way. He says his most important lesson was “to measure myself not by sudden success or rapid failure but by my body of work”. With that said in his time, He’s watched himself and his friends grow, learn, and fall in his years of living in Fort Greene.

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