This short story talks to us about a man named Nelson who lives in 1980s Queens and works as a journalis, film maker. It starts off as him getting a phone call from a friend named Spike, who sounds very happy when he finds out that Nelson will be moving to Fort Greene. He is very excited to be back in Brooklyn where he grow up there as a child, also he is very happy with the fact that he is very close to the city and does not have to take a long ride back and forth . He describes to us his appartment as a marvel that has two bedrooms, wood floors and other features, including his address which he repeats alot 19 Willoughby Avenue. Great success followed him in thast appartement from the years 1985 to 1992 he wrote several books and along with that produced several screen plays as well. As the story goes on we start to learn about the less bright and happy side of Brooklyn. It talks about the crack and drug trafficking epidemic that hit the streets and how crime rose to an all time high, Nelson was never mugged until he left his door open one day. The overall tone of this short story is one of happiness for a new begginig and looking forward to the future that is instore for the young writter. Finally we see how he mentions alot of celebrities to compare them to the neirghborhood I caught on towards the end that Spike was really Spike Lee.

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One Response to

  1. Hakim says:

    Fort Green Dreams is an excerpt where the main character Nelson George discusses his journey of life when he moves from Jamaica, Queens to Willoughby Avenue which is by Fort Green that’s a neighborhood in Brooklyn, but then moves eventually a few years later to Brownsville, Brooklyn. He explains how when he lived in Fort Green how much more simple his life was. He wasn’t really wealthy, but when he lived here it was the closest he had ever been to the city of Manhattan. The area was a decent one and didn’t consist of much violence and drugs like Brownsville did. He then explains how he soon realizes his passion of African American culture, such as their music, films and literature. He then starts to write about his adventures in Fort Green. Fort Green was his inspiration and this influenced him to write more than ever. There was a point where he struggled to figure out what kind of writer he was but it soon was unveiled. He uses his writing to help people with love and bases them on real life situations.

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