Photograph- Class Assignment


For my picture, I chose hands forming hearts. Each and every individual in this world functions by following their hearts. Whether we realize it or not, we are dictated by our hearts desire. It is the driving force in our lives. I follow my own heart and it is what gives me the determination to be the best me that I can. I strive for excellence so that I can provide and take care of my loved ones. Knowing that I have loved ones that need me, depend on me, that drives me to never give into adversity, to keep going till there is no where to go. Many people believe following your heart to be a foolish notion, but many grown, experienced people have told me to follow my heart, and let it guide me. So I put it at the forefront of my decision making. The base upon which I launch from. It is the driving force upon which I’ll fulfill my goals. My passion in life is the love I have for my family and girlfriend, and I’ll do whatever I can to become someone, so that I can be the strong pillar they can always lean on.


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