Career Development Workshop

I had the privilege of attending a career development workshop that was organized by the Saint George’s Society of New York at Lehman College in the Bronx. The workshop was designed to provide valuable insights and guidance to job seekers like me who are looking to enhance their career prospects. I was excited to attend this event as I had never been to a workshop of this kind before.

As a college student on the cusp of entering the workforce, I knew that attending a career development workshop would be a crucial step in preparing for my professional journey. The workshop I attended promised to cover a wide range of topics, including resume building, interview skills, and networking strategies – all areas where I knew I could use some guidance.

During the workshop, I was introduced to my mentor, who will be coaching me throughout my career development journey. I was thrilled to meet my mentor as I believe that her expertise and guidance will be invaluable in helping me achieve my career goals. In addition to my mentor, there were several other mentors who were present at the workshop, all of whom are part of the Saint George’s Society.

The workshop covered a wide range of topics related to career development, including resume writing, interview skills, networking, and job search strategies. The speakers were all highly experienced professionals who shared their insights and experiences with us. I found the workshop to be very informative and inspiring, and I left feeling more confident and motivated than ever before.

Attending the career development workshop was not just about acquiring practical skills – it was also a journey of personal growth. I gained confidence in my ability to navigate the job market, discovered new avenues for career exploration, and forged meaningful connections with fellow attendees and workshop facilitators.

One of the most empowering aspects of the workshop was the emphasis on setting clear, achievable career goals. Through guided exercises and discussions, I was able to identify my strengths, interests, and aspirations, and create a roadmap for achieving my professional objectives.

Armed with the knowledge and insights gained from the workshop, I feel better equipped to take on the challenges of transitioning from college to the professional world. I plan to continue honing my skills, expanding my network, and pursuing opportunities that align with my career goals.

Overall, attending the career development workshop hosted by the Saint George’s Society of New York at Lehman College was an incredible experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended this workshop and for the invaluable guidance that I received from my mentor and the other mentors who were there.