DEP Learning Outcome 3


During my time at DEP, I have become aware of the various programs they offer to accommodate the unique needs and situations of their employees. Among these programs is the 55A program which grants access to mental or physical disability accommodations for all employees.

The 55-a Program, established under Section 55-a of the New York State Civil Service Law, allows qualified individuals with certified mental or physical disabilities to be hired into competitive civil service positions without having to take an exam. This program is administered by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) in New York City. To be eligible for the 55-a Program, candidates must be certified as having a mental or physical disability, be qualified to do the job with or without a reasonable accommodation, and meet the minimum education and/or skills required for the position sought.

Key points about the 55-a Program include:

  • Eligibility is determined by the New York State Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Service – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) or the New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB), depending on the type of disability.
  • Candidates interested in competitive positions under this program should apply for open positions in the competitive class and indicate their interest in the 55-a Program on their resume or cover letter.
  • The program offers opportunities for career advancement through civil service exams, even for individuals already enrolled in the program.

The 55-a Program aims to provide equitable employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, allowing them to access civil service employment without facing barriers related to competitive exams