Old Connections

In the first couple of classes I kept hearing that we needed to exert all of our connections and see where it leads. So I decided to email a previous supervisor from my internship at Brooklyn Community Services through the CUNY Service Corps. As I emailed her I thought maybe she would let me intern again or will I have to go back to my original guaranteed internship at RYTF.



Brooklyn Community Services is a non-profit organization, the main office is located in Downtown Brooklyn on Schermerhorn St.  They have been around since 1866 and just this year the organization celebrated their 150th  yr. Anniversary. They serve poverty stricken at-risk children, youth, families, and adults with mental illness or developmental disabilities in Brooklyn. There are a few major campaigns that they continue to help out people in need like: ONE Brooklyn Community, Spring into Action, Brooklyn Stand Up!, They have over 15+ locations that deal with a variety of things like:

When I previously interned with BCS I used to do photography and take videos, interact with the client at events and compile information for the Neediest Cases campaign they have in The New York Times. I love going to the events and providing anything I could to help out when they needed me.