Afraz Allie ENG 2575 E292 In-class Presentation 4-16-2019

Presenter 1- Chadrick Lee – “Doctor Prescribes Video Games…”

Hi Chadrick, I enjoyed listening to your presentation on “Doctor Prescribes VIdeo Games…”, it was interesting to me. I find it enlightening yet concerning to know that some of the major social media platforms are tracking these behaviors. Moving forward, it will be interesting to see how this information / data will be handled in the future.

Presenter 2 – Benjamin Goletic – “He reported on FaceBook. Now he approaches it with caution.”

HI Benjamin, I enjoyed listening to your presentation but due to the in class discussion, I forgot my writing points. I do remember it was good and sparked a-lot of comments.

Presenter 3 – Verneller Charles – “Eyes on the road! Your car is watching”

Hi Verneller, thank you for your presentation regarding cars and their monitoring software. I’m not sure how I feel about this as yet but it was very interesting.

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