Monthly Archives: September 2017

Jakiem Johnson- The Shallows

The Book called “The  Shallows” is a interesting book on how technology has changed our intellectual thinking. In the three chapters I read, I noticed the book takes the reader through a history lesson about how maps, clocks, writing and reading came about. It allows for the reader to do critical thinking about inventions like the printing press and what would happen if technology never advanced over a period of time. The quote “The technology of the map gave to man a new and more comprehending mind, better able to understand the unseen forces that shape his surroundings and his existence” on page 41 stands out to me because along side maps was the compass used to know which direction a person would like to travel to. Technology has advanced with our phones showing us directions so we won’t get lost

ENG 2575 – The Shallows – Travis Davis

When reading chapter 3-5 of “The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing to Our Brains” by Nicholas Carr, I knew that it had something to do with the evolution of communication between human beings through the last thousands of years. I thought that the chapters that I read so far gave a lot of detailed history of how different types of media has changed the way that we as human beings have thought. From the way in which humans created maps and use that to foster different types of thought to how it led to things such as the printing press, the computer and the Internet. He made very specific points about how the human influence on technology has played a part in our evolution. He tried to make points for every side about how we have come so far in technology.

Alaric Garcia summary of the “Shallows”

The chapters on the “Shallows’ appear to touch on very interesting topics, relating to technology evolution and how it has affected human society over the years. The chapters focus on the idea of technology such as the clock/ watch, reading/ writing tools and the computers, change the human form of living and perceiving the world. Moreover, it mentions the idea of technology taking control of human behavior, making our brain adapt to technological standards. Other interesting idea that showed up in the reading, was the idea of technology revolutionizing  own it’s own. It mentions that till today humans are still creating technology, but the artificial intelligence technology will self-advance.

The Shallows – K.Joseph

My first impressions on the shallows were kind of confusing at first but as i read more it seemed pretty interesting. The chapter titled  Tools of the Mind explains our mind being an arsenal of different tools that we have used since childhood to do just about anything, from drawing pictures of things we see to drawing maps to guide ourselves and others. It draws a reference to how humans used different objects to record time and how they’ve evolved over the years, from sun dials, to hourglasses and mechanical clocks. The next chapter I thought was pretty interesting as well, and what really got my attention was how in ancient times

the shallows Ahamed Rizvi

from what i have read so far, this book talks about how far we have come in technology and how civilization has immensely changed due to how convenient reading and learning has become to us. information  can be gained easily nowadays and people are becoming lazier everyday. the need and desire to read books isn’t as popular as it used to be because of this new generation and its technology. i related to a lot of what i read in these first five chapters because growing up i did see myself reading and going outside more but as i was getting older and the tech was getting more advanced, i saw myself becoming lazy and i would find my information in a way that is less work for me and more convenient instead of reading entire articles or books to find out something. I have learned that there are its benefits and disadvantages and it all depends on how you make use of it . i do believe the internet has a large influence on us now .

Fayad Abrahim,The Shallows

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr, was a very interesting. Chapter two really caught my attention, it describes how maps advanced and the evolution of how maps makes us think. Instead of looking at just a picture, our thoughts are more abstracted. Also how the mechanical clock changed the way we saw ourselves. An interesting argument in chapter two was how intellectual technologies was viewed. For example one side was against how technology is changing the way we think and the other side was how technology makes us better thinkers.

Melany Chavez -The Shallows

Gives a good intro of how our mind started to build up. They way our thinking works and how we process things while learning new ones. The examples of how we learned before to now really shows a difference of we were able to extend our thinking to more to figure out life in certain extent. The implementation of new creations lead them to make things more easier for us. Over all like the ideas of how it went detailed with examples to show how things started with the clock and the writing/language learning, to the point of how technology  is taking over our  life to and making it easier for us however we continue to adapt to it.  Definitely keep me thinking how much things have change and our ways to do things or learn over all, which lack a lot of things because technology provides to us in a keep and convenient ways. Which we compared and we says it’s better but is stopping to use our brains a little more.

Davon Henson: Summary on “The Shallows” Chapter 3 -5

Chapter three of this shallows focuses on the tools that helped the form the current position of humanity as we see today. The author mostly focuses on the map and the clock. The examples the author gives through this chapter really helped me to understand how these tools improved humanity’s abstract and cognitive thought process. Chapter four of “The Shallows” structure is similar to chapter three’s. Instead in this chapter the author displays reading and writing as a way humanity has progressed. As literacy improved through the ages so did people’s cognitive thought process. Moving on to chapter five of “The Shallows” the author moves of track of showing how tools have helped us improve through the ages and instead focus more on the present tools of our time. The author brings up many positive and negative aspects of the internet. The negative aspects are shown through there examples, such as how reading a book versus reading off the screen something is lost.