Author Archives: Melany C.

Instruction Manual status -Melany Chavez

For Project 3 ( Instruction Manual), I’m currently working how to prepare a traditional Ecuadorian dish that contains Seafood. I have broken down, what type of ingredients are need it and also have some allergic warnings to certain products and  proper way to use sharp tools in the kitchen.  I will be adding proper ways to make the dish and times that each ingredients need to be cook. A slide of the manual can be more interesting to shop each step of the food as it start to come together instead of a regular page. At the same time i will be preparing the dish to be aware of any missing details or warnings to be added.

Melany Chavez-

The semester going alright, trying to work more into my second project , the search of the word content was able to find out just trying to get all connected to work on the paper is something still trying to continue to work and taking your advice or comments from the previous project. Also looking into different articles for my final presentation since most  connect with one another from the previous presentations.  The information you provide us us is really helpful.

Thank you

Melany Chavez -The Shallows

Gives a good intro of how our mind started to build up. They way our thinking works and how we process things while learning new ones. The examples of how we learned before to now really shows a difference of we were able to extend our thinking to more to figure out life in certain extent. The implementation of new creations lead them to make things more easier for us. Over all like the ideas of how it went detailed with examples to show how things started with the clock and the writing/language learning, to the point of how technology  is taking over our  life to and making it easier for us however we continue to adapt to it.  Definitely keep me thinking how much things have change and our ways to do things or learn over all, which lack a lot of things because technology provides to us in a keep and convenient ways. Which we compared and we says it’s better but is stopping to use our brains a little more.