Author Archives: Deicy

“The World is too Much with Us” by William Wordsworth

The World is Too Much with Us An annotation & explication on a Sonnet written by William Wordsworth Definitions Sordid: (Adj) Immorality, Selfishness. This touches on the Immorality or materialism and the selfishness that said materialism created. Boon: (Noun) Something … Continue reading

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“Until We Bleed” Kleerup ft. Lykke Li

The song I chose is “Until We Bleed” by Kleerup featuring Lykke Li. It’s a song about a doomed relationship that both partners can’t find themselves walking away from. It has shown it’s fatal consequences more than once but still … Continue reading

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“When I Was One and Twenty” A.E. Housman

This poem is from the standpoint of the formerly heart broken. She speaks on her experience of just a year prior. She was young and head over heels in love. Older, wiser people (“Wise Man” was used to describe a … Continue reading

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Presentiment -is that long shadow- on the lawn

Presentiment is that long shadow on the lawn Indicative that suns go down; The notice to the startled grass That darkness is about to pass. Presentiment is an instinctive feeling of something to come, a premonition (“indicative”). Atwood uses the … Continue reading

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