Daily Archives: April 25, 2012

Experimenting with Poetry

In class, we are going to try some poetry experiments, after looking at examples of several well-known experiments. These include Tom Phillips’s A Humument, Jackson MacLow’s The Virginia Woolf Poems, the Surrealist experiment known as exquisite corpse, and some   … Continue reading

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Success is counted sweetest by Emily Dickenson

I particular like this poem because it states the truth about success in a direct yet poetic manner. In this poem, the speaker compares success to a certain sweetness such as nectar. The speaker rightfully states that “To comprehend a nectar … Continue reading

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If I can stop one Heart from breaking

Emily Dickenson’s poem, “if I can stop one Heart from breaking” is a seven line poem that carries the rhyme scheme ABABCBB. This poem may seem simple and mundane at first but if one were to investigate further it is … Continue reading

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