The Power of The Hand

Dylan Thomas’s poem, “The Hand That Signed the Paper” is a poem that deals with the effects of war and the power of man to initiate or put an end to it with just the stroke of a pen. I specifically took note of the title of the poem as he chose to name it “The Hand That Signed the Paper” instead of “The Ruler/King That Signed the Paper.” His choice of words, “The Hand” instead of “The Ruler/King” was done to illustrate to the readers of this piece that the power of a man’s signature can be more powerful than the man himself.  His use of the figure of speech synecdoche, was present throughout the poem as he continually made reference to “The hand”, “The mighty hand”, and “The five Kings” as separate beings of the whole.  In stanza two the power of this hand to end or start a war was illustrated as he made mention of a goose’s quill as seen here, “A goose’s quill has put an end to murder … an end to talk.”  In stanza three, Thomas also made mention of the detrimental effects that this powerful hand can cause as he states, “The hand that signed the treaty bred a fever … famine grew … locusts came”; these two lines shows the indication of what the survivors and the people affected by the war may have to endure or what they endured.  Overall, Thomas’s use of literary devices and simple forms of expression has made this poem very profound as it was an easy read but very thought provoking.



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2 Responses to The Power of The Hand

  1. Pingback: Getting started on Essay #1 through blogging | ENG 2003: Introduction to Poetry

  2. Dilo says:

    I feel that Shae did not get the overall concept of the poem,
    In this poem the writer Dylan Thomas tries to showcase how those that hold power and wield it can effect the world without realizing it. Through laws they have the power to cause suffering and dispair and also end it. As we go farther into the poem he showcases how the hand or the choices made dont suffer the consequences of the everyday man they effect “A hand rules pity as a hand rules heaven; Hands have no tears to flow”. He basically tries to explain how laws signed by people in power or as he describes it the 5 kings or the 5 fingers of the hand can be used for good or evil.

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