Daily Archives: February 1, 2012

Reading “Guernica”

In class today, we are going to read “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso and compare it to “Crocuses” by Ruth Fainlight and “Building with Its Face Blown Off” by Billy Collins. For homework, if you choose, write a 200-word comment comparing … Continue reading

Posted in Class Texts, Classwork | 12 Comments

What Is Poetry?

Using any resources available to you now, write a paragraph or two describing what you think poetry is. Be sure to provide references for any resources you use. Add your paragraph as a comment to this post.

Posted in Classwork | Tagged | 28 Comments


Welcome to English 2003! Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our OpenLab Course. Be sure to use the syllabus, which I will update as necessary. Throughout the semester, we will add resources and content that we find useful … Continue reading

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