All About Albert

My name is Albert Morales. I’m a New Years baby and 22 years old. After this semester, this will be my third full year in City Tech. My first two years I was studying electrical engineering. During my second year of courses I realized that this major wasn’t for me. I always knew that I wanted to be involved in the technology field so i figured I would start with electrical engineering, then if it didn’t work out I would just branch out from there. So that’s what I did for my third year, I changed my major to computer science. I’m not going to lie, I still don’t know what line of work I want to be apart of in the near future. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s experiencing this problem. For me it’s important to stay consistent with work. Having a good job will give you experience, leadership, confidence , but most importantly responsibility. I currently have three different jobs, all which are part time. These jobs differ in fields, which is important to me so I can always have my options open. For my main job, I’m a porter for a building. I’m also part of the Maintenance crew . This job enables me to become better at time management because I’m always pacing myself to finish on time. Another job I do on the side, I assist my father in the iron works business. My father has been a welder for over 30 years now. I’ve been working with him for the past 8 years. My third job, I assist my friend who used to be a carpenter . Once he retired , he hired me to help him rebuild his old house. So that’s the main reason I ain’t stressing about my future. If I don’t find a career from school I’ll find a career in the welding business.

During my spare time , besides playing video games and hanging out with friends, I really enjoy writing lyrics. Rap lyrics to be specific. Battle rap lyrics to be even more specific lol. I’ve been addicted to battle rap ever since 2005. I know almost every battle rapper there is to know and I even show support and go to their live events. I’m fortunate enough that the best battle rap league, URL , holds most of their events in manhattan. The best battle rappers are all from New York as well. There is also a battle rap league in Canada called King of the Dot that I also support heavy. The battle rap scene has grown tremendously over the past 5-7 years. There isn’t a day that goes by where I’m not coming up with crazy punchlines or metaphors. I truly believe the material I come up with is better than 30-40% of other battlers. The reason I’m taking this class is to improve my vocabulary and not to mention my thought process.

1 thought on “All About Albert

  1. Welcome, Albert! As I was reading your post, I was thinking about how this course could help you by adding to your vocabulary and giving you some interesting phrasing models. It’s a great idea to read good writing before you start writing–I’m sure this class will provide that for you. It sounds like you’re busy with your three jobs. In what ways do the skills you develop there motivate your success at City Tech? It would be interesting to brainstorm some unexpected parallels that highlight the ways each experience benefits the other. I look forward to getting to know you better this semester, starting with meeting you this afternoon!

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