Women Hollering Creek ( Telenovela)

The function of telenovela plays a big role throughout the story. In the story we are introduce to a woman named Cleofilas who is from Mexico. Cleofilas has been growing up watching telenovelas her whole life while she was living with her parents. Coming from a Spanish home as well I can totally relate to this, I have been growing up watching these types of show as well is very interesting that Cleofilas wants to live her life like a novella because I feel many people will love too , but that’s something that its unrealistic.  Watching these shows has caused her to fantasize of living a similar life as the actors.  She wants to dress and do her makeup like the actors she sees in the show. Cleofilas wishes to get marry and live with her husband forever. After she gets married with Juan and moves away from her parents she realized that her dream of having a perfect romantic life is actually the opposite. Her husband is abusive and mistreats her dealing with something that she is not used to gives Cleofilas a hard time to cope with the situation. She always told herself that she will not deal with domestic violence when she saw it occurring in the telenovelas, but when she actually experienced it herself she contradicted herself. In the story it states “ Cleofilas thought her life would have to be like that, like a telenovela, only now the episodes got  sadder and sadder” She realizes that something love is not as great as its shown in the telenovelas. I think she used these shows to escape from her true reality  after she married Juan it was a way that still gave her hope of true love and that made her feel a little bit better. At the end she finally was brave to leave her husband and return to her family a place that she probably wishes had never left.

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