Glossary Write-up

This glossary assignment was a great way for me to actually try to understand the text better. normally, I would just use context clues to try to figure out a word that I didn’t understand. By doing this assignment, I learned words that i didn’t know before,and discovered more definitions about words that I already had prior knowledge on. This effected the way I read the passage. I took time to appreciate the word play the authors used to send a message. For example, Woolf used the word ‘roused’ to describe the way the girl woke from her sleep in Professions For Women”. She could’ve just said the girl woke up, but Woolf wanted to relay the message that the girl’s ideas woke her from her sleep, and she was trying to avoid the subject of her thoughts by sleeping. Without using ‘roused’ the reader wouldn’t get a clear idea of what the author was saying.


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