Women Hollering creek

In the short story “women Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros, Cleofilas who marries Juan Pedro. She leaves behind his father and six brothers who looked over her for an unknown future for her. She feels trapped in an abusive marriage She finds out that life does not work like the telenovelas she watched at home. Cleofilas looks back to the days before she is married and remembers how happy she was. She got married and moved to Seguin, Texas, She think you have to suffer for love to be good. She knows from watching her telenovelas, but life will not always be easy but things will work out. Soon her husband begins to beat her and she realizes that her life is not a dream life. Her marriage did not contained positive scene from the telenovelas but just the negative side. She goes to the doctor and they notice her bruises from an abusive relationship and arrange for her escape back home.

1 thought on “Women Hollering creek

  1. Interesting how you said “Her marriage did not contained positive scene from the telenovelas but just the negative side”. On page 226, 2nd paragraph it says “Cleofilas thought her life would have to be like that, like a telenovela, only now the episodes got sadder and sadder. And there were no commercials in between for comic relief. And no happy ending in sight.”. She still continued to compare her life to that of telenovelas. She knew it wasn’t like that at all as she felt the pain and her sadness.

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