Recitatif – (noun

Definition: 1 is a derivative of recitative with similar definition. 2.the nature of or resembling recitation or declamation

Found in : Recitatif by Toni Morrison

Passage: Recitatif is the title of the story by Toni Morrison . The story is about two young girls named Roberta and Twyla. The word was not used in the story.

I was interested in defining this word because it stood out to me as a title of a story. At first I actually thought it was a made up word . After finding the definition it makes perfect sense



1 thought on “

  1. It’s great to understand the title better so you can see how it relates to the story. I don’t know if I understand the definition you’ve included, and although you say that it makes perfect sense, I don’t get it. Explain what you now understand so that everyone has the understanding you do!

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