Midterm :quotation 2

1. Quicksand

2. Nella Larsen

“sitting there in her room ,longhours after, helga  again felt a surge of hot anger  and seething resentment. And again it subsided in amazement at the memory of the consider-able applause which had greeted the speaker just before he had asked Gods blessing upon them. The South. Naxos Negros education. Suddenly she hated them all”

3. In this passage we come across the beginning of Helga’s journey to her own happiness. After realizing that the school that she has taught in was only a racial and hypocritical environment she felt the need to leave. She didn’t want to be part of something were students we’re being taught to be something other then themselves . This was the moment the she decides to quit her job and move to another place. A place where she will feel comfortable with her race. A place that she wouldn’t be judge for being black.s

4. This relates to the  larger issues of the story because helga is a biracial women who is trying to find a place where she feels comfortable with herself and the people surrounding her. After moving multiple times she always ended up being unhappy and trying to find something knew. She was looking for a sense of freedoma which at the end she never achieved because she hated what her life turned out to be. In reality she didn’t have to moved as much tO feel as if she belonged somewhere she just had to look into her inner self and become proud of who she was.

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