Rough Draft 1

Gender discrimination refers to “the practice whereby one sex is given preferential treatment over the others. The practice of giving social importance to the biological differences between men and women is there everywhere. In some societies, these differences are very much pronounced while in others, they are given less importance. If I were to write about this issue in a bold way I might go for the smaller things that people do not really notice.
The first being; we have yet to have a woman president. 49 other countries in the world have. Yet America has not, granted we are currently experiencing our first black president so I am sure one is coming in the future. Why is it hard for us to vote a woman president? Why has only one run so far that has had a decent chance of wining? What if we look at the opposite of this?
Women get things sometimes at a free or cheaper price then men do simply because they are female. Is this because men see them as objects? Lets look at clubs for an example; these places are known for letting females in for free rather than males. More then often I have gone to house parties and been denied because there are to many males in there already or I don’t have any girls with in my group. But they will let in 5 girls at a time and still deny me. They claim they have to maintain the right guy/girl ratio. I have clearly seen girls use this to their advantage of this though. Whose fault is this; the media for portraying women as objects and not people? Men for only viewing women as objects and not people? Or perhaps it’s the women themselves for not doing anything to change this image. I think it is the media’s fault.

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