manifesto draft

Zenia McLeod

Feminist Manifesto

There Was Once

We are NOT damsels in distress, someone that needs to be rescued. Why can’t WE slay our dragons and save the day? The idea that we can’t save our own lives is ridiculous! Women do it every day. We solve our own problems and make our own decisions. We don’t need approval from anyone to do so, we just do. And we’re good at it too, great even!

Who needs Prince Charming anyways? Isn’t anyone tired of that foolish impression of women being a burden, someone that only a man can take care of?! We don’t NEED men. They aren’t our bread and butter. We can raise families on our own, or run businesses and even nations. Who ever says that a leader has to be a man is ignorant to the vast capabilities of a women.

I make a challenge to every women whose ever felt that you couldn’t amount to as much as a man. CHALLENGE EVERYTHING! Don’t just take things the way they are. Ask who, what, where, when, and why, especially why. We could change the status quo, you know. Don’t settle for positions and titles that society has placed on us. We’ve come a long way from just being in the kitchen. There’s so much more we can do, and be. If all women were to embrace this revelation and run with it, how much better off we would be.

*I’m not completed with the draft, I just wanted to know if I was going in the write direction for the manifesto part.*

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