I trust that everyone has been able to get the textbook, The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women, volume 2, and has begun reading our first novel of the semester, Quicksand by Nella Larsen. If you have questions about getting the book, please get in touch with me. I have also included a link to an online copy in our Readings page so that you can keep up with the reading even if your book hasn’t arrived yet. The electronic copy is also useful for copying passages and searching within the text. I expect you to bring the book to class on Thursday.
As you read, notice how Helga Crane’s character develops. What contributes to the development of her character, and how is it represented in the text? Choose a passage from the text that highlights the development of her character, and explain what it does to expand your understanding of Helga. Include a parenthetical citation to indicate the page number for the passage.
How does setting matter in Quicksand? From the first line of the novel, we are given descriptions about the time and place of the plot. Choose a passage from the text that highlights the role of setting, and explain what it does to expand your understanding of the plot. Again, include a parenthetical citation to indicate the page number for the passage.
Parenthetical citations are the way we indicate author and page information when we use MLA guidelines. Since all of your passages are from Larsen, and that’s clear from what you’re writing, there’s no need to include her last name in the citation, just the page number or numbers. So yours might look like this (362). Or like this (362-3). If you were making a comparison between Intimate Apparel and Quicksand and you needed to make it clear which text you were referring to in your citation, you would include one like this (Larsen 362). Notice there’s no comma.
Your post should follow our blogging guidelines and use the category Nella Larsen. Comment on 2-4 posts by Thursday morning. Remember that these comments should total approximately 300 words.
Professor, When I clicked on the reading it only gives you the pages up to 301.
The digital text should include the entire novel, running from pages 1-302. The page numbers on the Readings list correspond to the pages in our textbook, The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women. Your reading assignment for this week is for chapters 1-11.
Emily, I revised how I linked out to the online text to make it clearer that the page numbers referred to the anthology and not to the online version. Thanks again for your question!