Double Standards

Manifesto  is a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives or views if the issuer ( Webster

If I had to write a a Manifesto about women there would be a broad range of subjects to choose from, but the one that comes to mind first is that age old double standard.

Women have always been held to a different standard than men. For years us women have had to deal with being treated unfairly. We make less money on the job than a man who is doing the same exact job. Money however is not the only thing that women fight for in the work place. Females also fight for respect in the business world. it is assumed that a pretty face, and all the other attributes of woman are a sign of weakness. I think that would be a great argument to base my manifesto on. Though discrimination at the workplace is a great topic for a manifesto, I think my statement would focus on the broader areas of the double standard. Women are expected to appear a certain way In the public eye,and are upheld to certain behavior that society just does not expect men to uphold. For example, a woman who has slept with numerous guys is said to be “promiscuous” , and on the other hand a man who sleeps around with different women is called a “player”. Is it only genetics that make the difference or is it just as simple as the majority opinion rules.

Mina Loy mentioned in Manifesto, ” be brave and deny the outset, that pathetic, flap , trap war cry , women us the equal to man- for she is not. ” That statement is very supportive to the argument of the double standard between men and women. I think for my manifesto I would bring firth issues which support the fact that men and women are not equal.

6 thoughts on “Double Standards

  1. I think that writing a manifestor for double stard is a great approach. The double- standard like you said is an old problem but I dont think it is a problem that has been fixed yet. That is why I think it is okay to do so now. Regarding the double standard in the work place, I believe that this issue is one that is slowly going away but there are still whispers of it. Writing a manifesto on double standards would work very well with my major (Hospitality), regarding woman chefs vs. men chefs. It is always an interesting topic that comes up in my lecture class. Without a doubt every semester a student asks the chef “how do you feel about women chefs”. I think that it is unfair for double standards to even be considered in the present day. We are all equal right?

    • Sara raises some excellent examples of inequalities in her field of hospitality. There are others, too–what about fine restaurants not hiring women for their waitstaff? Or the assumption that the man and not the woman will pay the bill and the end of the meal?

      Shatoya, what about in your field? If you were going to write a manifesto, you would want to choose a narrower field within what you identify as the vast array of gender-based double standards. That way, you could speak more specifically and therefore more authoritatively. As much as your claims are true in general, giving specific examples and showing their causes and/or effects would be much more convincing to readers. Which interests you more, conditions in the workplace, or in the social arena?

  2. I think that writing a manifesto on the double standards women have to face today is a very good idea. This is an issue that should be looked at because this is the 21st century. Men and women should be treated the same. Its true what Shatoya said. Why should women have to make less money then men if they are doing the exact same thing? These are new times and someone should address these issues. Men also face these issues, so its not like we’re the only ones. Although I feel as though women face a bit more in the real world.

  3. Shatoya, I believe writing a manifesto on double standards is an excellent idea. I also completely agree with Sara when she said “This issue is slowly going away but there are still whispers of it.” I think women have learned to deal with this issue after so many years by just brushing it off or sweeping it under the rug thinking that somehow things might change. Sara also made a great point when she was speaking of her hospitality major regarding woman chefs vs. men chefs. I feel the same exact way regarding my major in Human Services; 95% of all my Human Services classes are always filled with women. I believe that men often think of Human Services as a feminine career and that they will probably be looked down at as being a counselor or a social worker as if it should only be a “womens” job. Why should anyone think that a certain job is only meant for women or another just for men? I completely agree that it’s unfair and also could be discouraging.

  4. Hi, I really enjoyed your post ! I thought that the topic of double standards is a great manifesto.Double standards are extremely annoying. For example i have four brothers and they could do anything with their lives. they are allowed to major in anything they want. But for me I have very limited options when it comes to a career. Unfair much?! Yes, it is but its way my culture thinks! I know that I’m not the only one that deals with this problem. Double standards in the work force are probably the most hypocritical thing ever ! I agree with your post 100%! Hopefully these double standards stop but unfortunately that’s very doubtful.

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