
If I were to write a manifesto as Loy did in ““Feminist Manifesto,” I would write about how women are seen as objects in society. When we think about women based on what society has to say about them, we think about beautiful women. They say beautiful women can get away with murder. Women are seen as objects of desire,  but women are people too. They have personalities that are overlooked because who cares, that’s not what they’re here for. A women has a goal? That’s nice. The fact is that on television, you will see half naked women in advertisements for random products. Does there have to be half naked women? No. Although, they do get these’s commercials attention.

There are obviously many gender stereotypes in the world today, so why do women still try to behave how society paints them. Some women do help out the stereotype by getting jobs where they are required to be half naked. Although other women are more serious about this. In the workplace, some women get hired for their looks. They are also seen as sexual objects instead of as coworkers. I heard a story once of a women who got fired from her job because her boss found her too attractive and did not want to have an affair with her. Its very disrespectful that he would just assume that she would be willing to have an affair with him. This was interesting to me because she was obviously not seen as an employee. She was seen as a sexual object and got fired because of it. This is a problem because women do not get to chose how they look and should not have to suffer for it.

People should be treated equally. The fact that woman are seen as objects means that they are not going to be treated like human beings. They are never going to get the respect that they deserve and this is a huge problem.

5 thoughts on “Manifesto

  1. Writing a manifesto on women being an object in societys public eye is a great idea. I believe that your argument has alot to back it up. Not only can you back this topic up with personal examples but there are also alot of public examples that bring this issue to light in public. Woman are known for getting away with anything with there looks but where is the argument for good looking men? I am not sure why the idea that men can be an object in the public eye is so hidden and in a way forbidden to talk about. I also agree that this is a respect problem. This is something that has to be taken care of before the next generation so they do not have to live with belifs like this.

  2. I agree with Sara. This is a huge issue today and quite frankly its kind of disgusting. Women are just as capable if not better at doing their job then most men… maybe even their boss. Honestly I don’t know how I would feel if I got a job because of my looks. At first I would think I got it because of my skills but if I found out I got it because of my looks I think I might just quit.

  3. I agree that women are painted as objects in society today. Everything from the professional work place to a role in a music video has an ideal portrait In mind of how a woman In that position should look, and behave. I also agree with the fact that a lot of women are more apt to behave in a way that hey are expected as opposed to self expression. That brings me back to the passage in manifesto where Mina Loy speaks about how women “adopt themselves to a theoretical valuation of their sex as a relative” .. In my opinion those woman who lives up to the standard if society is adopting themselves. Do you feel that the way society perceives us may just be the way we are to be?

  4. I agree with both Sara and Shatoya, this issue of women seen as objects has been around for centuries. Women are so accustomed to being seen as object to the point that they stop noticing. To answer your question Shatoya, yes I do believe the way society perceive women is the way women have become. Some women try their hardest to be that beautiful women man fantize over or even try their hardest to be just as beautiful as the next women.

  5. I completely agree with everyone that has commented on this post. I believe writing a manifesto on women being seen as objects in society is a great topic that will have a lot of discussion to it. In my opinion I think it’s kind of disgraceful that some women actually condone this type of behavior and then wonder why we don’t get treated with respect. In the very beginning of Loy’s manifesto she said “Women if you want to realize yourselves-you are on the eve of a devastating psychological upheaval-all your pet illusions must be unmasked—the lies of centuries have got to go—are you prepared for the Wrench–? There is no half-measure—NO scratching on the surface of the rubbish heap of tradition, will bring about Reform, the only method is Absolute Demolition” I believe this part of this passage has a lot to with your post considering how we as women need to demolish this painted image of us just being some toy to play with. We need to get rid of this fictitious picture of us being not worthy enough and stop allowing society to get away with this issue.

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