A Manifesto of OUR Society.

If I were to write a manifesto about woman and our society today. I would write about gender discrimination. Gender discrimination refers to “the practice whereby one sex is given preferential treatment over the others. The practice of giving social importance to the biological differences between men and women is there everywhere. In some societies, these differences are very much pronounced while in others, they are given less importance. If I were to write about this issue in a bold way I might go for the smaller things that people do not really notice.

The first being; We have yet to have a woman president. 49 other countries in the world have. Yet America has not, granted we are currently experiencing our first black president so I am sure one is coming in the future. Why is it hard for us to vote a woman president? Why has only one run so far that has had a decent chance of wining?

The second being this; Haircuts. I was getting a haircut well 2 months ago, but I am sure it has not changed since then. I got my haircut and looked at the price for a mens which was $12 and then I look at the price for a woman and it said $25. I thought thank god I am a guy. Okay so maybe I am a guy and do not know anything about woman but an extra $13 for a haircut? I just feel we should all be entitled to a cheap haircut. Is there that much more supplies / energy / work that goes into it? maybe they could each be $18 or $15? Also this was at a local barber shop, do not get me started on those salons, and the people that pay $200 for a haircut.

3 thoughts on “A Manifesto of OUR Society.

  1. The first example you choose is obviously a very serious one, and one that was huge in the 2008 primaries and presidential election. The second one about haircut prices might seem small, but if you unpacked it, it would start to grow bigger. If the suggestion you make, that there could be more involved in a women’s haircut, is true, what does that add to your argument? Is it necessarily true?

  2. I completely agree with Greg. Women do face a lot of gender discrimination. Although if we really think about it, what is really the difference between a man and a women? I thought the same thing about the previous presidents when I started reading. Its really interesting. Do people believe that a women wouldn’t be capable of handling all of the presidents responsibilities. I really don’t see a difference. If a man can do it, so can a women. Who knows, maybe a women would even do a better job at it. The problem with this is how will we ever know if women continue to face all of this gender discrimination.

  3. Question: do you believe that inversely, women get things free/cheaper than men simply because they are a woman? I ask this because first, clubs are known for letting in females for free rather than males. Another because, one time I had my significant other call a car service for me during a snow storm at night and the operator told him no cars were available. After searching for another car service, i ended up calling the same car service and speaking with the same man who told me that the car i needed would be available in 10 minutes to pick me up. We both kind of chalked this up to him having a deeper voice or sounding scarier than i possibly could have. I definitely think that the idea of women being submissive and sweet lead people to stereotyping that a woman couldn’t possibly deal with the role of president, while it also suggest that women are less dangerous and more trusting in other situations (such as mine).

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