“Helen Furr and Georgine Skeene were regularly living where very many were living and cultivating in themselves something. Helen Furr and Georgine Skeene were living very regularly then, being very regular then in being gay then. They did then learn many ways to be gay and they were then being gay being quite regular in being gay, being gay and they were learning little things, little things in ways of being gay, they were very regular then, they were learning very many little things in ways of being gay, they were being gay and using these little things they were learning to have to be gay with regularly gay with then and they were gay the same amount they had been gay. They were quite gay, they were quite regular, they were learning little things, gay little things, they were gay inside them the same amount they had been gay, they were gay the same length of time they had been gay every day.” Found on page 499 of Gertrude Steins “Miss Furr and Miss Skeene”.
I believe that the main idea of Steins passage was happiness. I believe this because as I was reading the passage Stein spoke about the things and ways that Hellen Furr and Georgine Skeene were happy. I’m not really sure what their relationship was, but they lived together for a while and were happy. In this passage Stein says, “Helen Furr and Georgine Skeene were living very regularly then, being very regular then in being gay then.” Stein says that at this point they were living regular lives. They were nuetral, not happy. After that Stein says that they would look for things that made them happy. The author says that at one point they were happy both inside and out. The author also says that they were learning new ways of being happy. Its pretty interesting that Helen Furr and Georgine Skeene were always happy. They were never feeling anything but happy in this story. They were also both singers and that made them pretty happy also. At the end, Helen Furr and Georgine Skeene lived separately. The author tells the reader that Mrs. Furr goes on living in the same place and being happy as always, but we hear nothing about Georgine Skeene.
If we assume that gay means happy, then we could ask why does Helen Furr continue being happy even after Georgine Skeene leaves, why it seems to have no impact on her.
What if gay means in the story what it means now?
You raise a good point about not knowing what happens to Georgine Skeene. What kind of character is she?