We Need Something Different !

After reading “There Was Once”, by Margaret Atwood I see a disagreement between two speakers, the person actually telling the story(storyteller) and the second speaker.  I feel as if the storyteller wanted to retell the story as similar as we will expect a Cinderella story to be told whereas the second speaker wanted to add some reality and truth to it. A reality that could be more acceptable in today’s society. It starts of by saying, “There was once a poor girl, as beautiful as she was good, who lived with her wicked stepmother in a house in the forest.”  At this point it totally reminded me of the original fairytale, but as soon as it was interrupted by the second speaker wanting to change the setting to a urban area and questioning how poor she really was made me think about it as well. The second speaker made a perfect example in saying that if she was considered poor, yet living in a house, what will we consider people that come to the subway stations after dark to be? I think the second speaker wants the readers to actually think deeply in what they are reading and make sense out of it.  The second speaker wanted to change the total story including economic statues, what we consider to be beautiful and appearance. The second speaker wanted to create a story out of the ordinary and not something everyone expect it to be, something different. We are so accustomed on seeing and reading things one certain type of way that it doesn’t give us any chance to trying new things, think about things in a different perspective and that’s exactly what I think the second reader was trying to accomplish. It’s not about being have a specific color, gender or looking a certain type of way but being open and coming out of the comfort zone.

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