
Hello fellow classmates my name is Yamena this is my second year at city tech. to be honset i have no idea how to use open lab , I hope I’m doing this right. currently I am a Liberal Arts major, I am planning to transfer to the Computer Education program here at city tech. My parents are from Palestine, they moved here after they got married. they had six childern. I have four brothers and one sister. one of the reasons why i want to become a educator because I am and very good with children. I have many younger cousins that I would watch daily. Being arab is all about family .Some of my hobbies are baking and makeup, hopefully after getting my masters in education. I  would like to got to makeup school.Well I  think thats all there is to know about me 🙂

1 thought on “Indortuction

  1. Welcome, Yamena! I’m interested to know more about your interest in education and becoming a teacher. I know you’re interested in makeup and cooking–how do you see those interests intersecting with your interest in teaching? They don’t have to–remember my story about not wanting to write science textbooks?–but it’s nice when your professional pursuits can encompass your personal interests as well.

    You don’t need to be an expert OpenLab user yet, but you will learn to be one throughout the semester. One way that I’ll evaluate your work is to look in certain categories for particular assignments. To add a category once you’ve published your post, click on Edit at the bottom of the post, and then look on the right-hand side of the editable post for the categories. For this post, choose Introductions. That will file your post within that category, and make it easier to find with the other introductions. Before you leave the page, be sure to click Update.

    I’m glad we’ve had the chance to meet, and I look forward to getting to know you better this semester in Introduction to Women Writers.

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