Introduction to my life

I am a hospitality major because I love interacting with people from all spectrums of life. I have a constant need to help and learn. I have grandiose plans from my furture in all aspect of the hospitality industry. I am from Manhattan and work as a waitress at a small diner connected to the Holiday Inn Wall Street. I have two dogs named Carlos and Charlie and they are my everything. I like to spend my free time painting and watching movies with my boyfriend. I also enjoy cooking a nice meal for my boyfriend every night. You could say I am a simple girl living in a complex world. I have a very close family and see my mother almost every day. I live in the Financial District in Manhattan with my sister and our boyfriends. My parents live only two blocks away so it is very easy to see them as often as I please. My best friends name is Greg and he is amazing. I don’t know what I would do without him. He helps me in all aspects of life and never fails to put a smile on my face. I am excited for this class because I am eager to learn and strengthen my knowledge in on this topic. Cant wait to get started 🙂 !

1 thought on “Introduction to my life

  1. Welcome, Sara! We share a love of cooking, as you’ll see when you read my introduction. It sounds like you have a great community supporting you here in New York–I hope you have a strong community here at City Tech, too! If you’re interested in visual arts, too, then I hope you liked reading our first text, the Frida Kahlo painting that I linked us to. I look forward to meeting you this afternoon and to getting a sense of you and your enthusiasm this semester!

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