Brazilian Girl Does NYC

My name is Andressa (or Andie, depending on how well you can roll your “r”.) Actually I do prefer Andie, at least in the US. I’m a 25 year old transplant from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and have been living in New York since August 2009. I moved here with the premise of graduating college and possibly finding a job in the city. Four years on, a lot has happened and I’m very close to finally getting my diploma.

I’m crazy about graphic design; luckily enough, that’s my career. I started being curious about the topic back in 6th grade and never stopped. Between building websites for my favorite Irish boyband at age 12 and creating the visual identity for restaurants in New York City, it has been a great creative journey so far. This city is so full of life in so many ways; it’s hard to be bored around here.

I’m really glad I moved to the Big Apple. It was my first experience living without my parents and having to work to pay my bills. I had jobs before, but without the responsibilities that come when you don’t have mom buying toilet paper and dad calling the guy to fix the kitchen sink. I’ve learned a lot. Aside from making me grow as a person, New York has introduced me to art and culture like I never knew before. The museums, galleries and street art are an intrinsic footprint of the city. I love being a part of it.

4 thoughts on “Brazilian Girl Does NYC

  1. Welcome, Andie! New York City certainly is a learning experience in itself–I hope we can use the arts resources New York offers us to our advantage in this course. We’ll focus on visual texts as well as written ones, so I hope you and the other members of our class with design backgrounds will share your expertise with the class. I know we’ve corresponded before–I’m looking forward to meeting you today and to getting to know you throughout this semester!

  2. Professor Rosen, thank you for the feedback. I’m really looking forward to this class! Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it today, due to complications at work. Hopefully I won’t be too far behind.

    I hope you all have a good time today!

    • Hi Andie– I just wanted to make sure you saw the assignments posted. All homework assignments are in the category Homework Assignments–also available by clicking on that menu item just below our site header.

      See you on Thursday, and online before then!

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