Category Archives: Glossary


Reticence: noun: the quality or state of being reticent: reserverestraint


From: “Quicksand” by Nella Larsen, chapter 16, page 121

“Helga had been silent, thinking what a severe wrench to Herr Dahl’s ideas of decency was this conversation. For he had an almost fanatic regard for reticence, and a peculiar shrinking from what he looked upon as indecent exposure of the emotions.”

The use of reticence shows the reader that Herr Dahl is a very reserved person and that this conversation is out of the ordinary for someone of that demeanor.


Lassitude :Noun

a condition characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit

I encountered this word in ch 19 of quicksand.”Helga met Dr. Anderson at the social affairs to which often they were both asked. Sometimes she danced with him, always in perfect silence. She couldn’t, she ab-solutely couldn’t, speak a word to him when they were thus alone together, for at such times lassitude encompassed her; ”

I have never seen this word before I actually thought it meant something along the lines of guilty accompanied by joy.I thought this because of what happened between them,but despite that she’s still around him.Now that I know that this word is basically saying she’s in a drugged like state I’m wondering if maybe it’s trying to become an excuse for her lack of action.

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Procession :Noun

A group of individuals moving along in an orderly often ceremonial way

I encountered this word in quicksand on page 215  “Always when she encountered one of those picturesque parades in the Harlem streets, the Stars and Stripes streaming ironically, insolently, at the head of the procession tempered for her, a little, her amusement at the childish seriousness of the spectacle.”

I had never seen this word before however I knew it had something to do with what helga was watching.But I didn’t know wether or not it was negative or positive or if it was a term to classify the people In the group as something positive or negative.



Very hot and humid:Sweltering

This word was encountered in chapter 10 of quicksand.”Arriving at work one sultry day,hot and dispirited,she found a waiting letter,”

when I first saw this word I didn’t know what it meant because I had never seen it before.At first I thought it meant something like sad or bland but now I understand that it is actually referring to the  weather.

This word also relates to Helga’s inability to deal with certain situations.Helga for the most part is slightly uncaring or rather shes detached.However when asked about marriage,when a kiss was stolen from her,the heat from the dance floor filled with all kinds of black folk twisting about in a “jungle animal” manner Helga just cannot handle it.All of this stems from her childhood. She cannot accept all that comes with being colored because she was so hated by her own family since she had colored blood. Early childhood researchers tell us that parents and life at home are instrumental to shaping an individual,its clear that her childhood implanted in her hatred for who she was.


Oratorical (adjective) – of, relating to, or characteristic of an orator or oratory


“The feeling passed, escaped in the surprise of what Mrs. Hayes-Rore was saying. Her oratorical voice boomed above the city’s roar.”

It is now understood that Mrs. Hayes-Rore has a very distinguish and powerful voice. Her voice overcame the sounds from the streets of New York.


Ardently- adjective

Ardently means characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager support or activity

Meriam- Webster’s dictionary

“Quicksand” by Nella Larsen

“Suddenly she hated then all. Strange, too, for this was the thing which she had ardently desired to share in, to be a part of this movement to one man’s genius and vision”

I understand the meaning of this word in this context because it is saying that she was eager to share what she had to share.



Petulance -noun

petulance means insolent or rude in speech or behavior

Merriam Webster’s dictionary

“Quicksand” by Nella Larsen

“…Whose sensitive and sensuous lips had a slight questioning petulance and a tiny dissatisfied droop….”

This is saying that there was a tone coming from the women’s lips.


Oasis- Noun

Oasis means something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast

Merriam- Webster dictionary

“Quicksand” by nella Larsen

“So large that the spot where Helga sat was a small oasis in a desert of darkness”

This quote is saying that Helga found somewhere that provided relief which was a desert of darkness.



Poignant- adjective

Poignant means painfully affecting the feelings deeply affecting

Merriam- Webster’s dictionary

“Quicksand” by Nella Larsen

“Instinctively Helga was aware that their smiling submissiveness covered many poignant heartaches and perhaps much secret contempt for their instructors”

Now finding out the meaning of this word I now understand that they were showing pain in their face and smiling to cover it.



Apprehension (noun): anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil.

From: Complete Fiction of Nella Larsen; Quicksand “She woke in the morning unrefreshed and with that feeling of half-terrified apprehension peculiar to Christmas and birthday morning.” Helga Crane is always sad and depressed. she doesn’t really enjoy the holidays which brings happiness. She feels terrified when festivals or any holidays come and her personality is not really exciting.