Category Archives: Glossary


Virulent  (adjective) – actively poisonous; intensely noxious

Sources –

Found on page 108, chapter 18. “In her opinion,Helga had lived too long among the enemy, the detestable pale faces. She understood them too well, was too tolerant of their ignorance stupidities. If they had been Latin, Anne might conceivably have forgiven the disloyalty. But Nordics ! Lynchers ! It was too traitorous. Helga smiled a little, understanding Annie’s bitterness and hate, and a little of it cause. It was a piece with that of those she so virulently hated.”


This word was used to describe how Anne was a person and how she affected Helga emotionally. Earlier in the novel, Helga asked Anne why it was bad for a black woman to be with Dr. Anderson. Anne said that the Negro should stick together. Towards the end of the novel, Helga finally sees how toxic her friendship with Anne was. It made it harder for Helga to love herself and accept that she’s biracial and embraces it. 


Miscegenation – the interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial types (noun)


Source :


From Quicksand pg 108

“Into this Helga would not enter. Because of its obvious partial truths she felt the need for disusing caution. With a detachment that amazed herself she asked if Aunt Katrina didn’t think, really, that miscegenation was wrong, in fact a principle.


In this part of the novel, Helga questions her aunts beliefs about biracial marriages and if it’s wrong or right. Helga wants to know how other people would react about biracial couples since shes biracial herself. She is having a hard time being accepted by her race.


Fatuous: adjective: complacently or inanely foolish


From: “And this, Helga decided, was what ailed the whole Negro race in America, this fatuous belief in the white man’s God, this childlike trust in full compensation for all woes and privations in “kingdom come.”Sary Jones’s absolute conviction, “In de nex’ worl’ we’sall recompnse’,” came back to her.”

The word fatuous is used to describe how blindly the black people that Helga associates with, follow Christianity.  


Privation: noun: the state of being deprived; especially: lack of what is needed for existence


From: “Quicksand” by Nella Larsen, Chapter 25 – Page 160

“And this, Helga decided, was what ailed the whole Negro race in America, this fatuous belief in the white man’s God, this childlike trust in full compensation for all woes and privations in “kingdom come.”Sary Jones’s absolute conviction, “In de nex’ worl’ we’sall recompnse’,” came back to her.”

The word privation is used to show how much things black people in America have been denied due to their skin color. Helga is upset because black people are willing to put up with being deprived of basic civil rights because of the afterlife that awaits them.


Project 2 Glossary Annotation

  • Laceration  (noun) – a torn and ragged wound


From: “Quicksand” by Nella Larsen, Chapter 15 Page 118

“Helga let that pass because she couldn’t, she felt, explain. It would be too difficult, too mortifying. She had no words which could adequately, and without laceration to her pride, convey to him the pitfalls into which very easily they might step. “I might,” she said, “have considered it once—when I first came. But you, hoping for a more informal arrangement, waited too long. You missed the moment. I had time to think. Now I couldn’t. Nothing is worth the risk. We might come to hate each other. I’ve been through it, or something like it. I know. I couldn’t do it. And I’m glad.”

Here, the word laceration is used to show that Helga does not want to hurt her pride to argue with Axel Olsen about marriage. Axel Olsen proposed Helga for marriage, but Helga refused it by using the excuse of racial difference. In her argument, Helga doesn’t want to marry a white man because she has suffered from the interracial marriage of her parents.


Project 2 Glossary Annotation:

  • Aped (verb) – to copy closely but often clumsily and ineptly

Source –

From: “Quicksand” by Nella Larsen, Chapter 9 Page 80

“She hated white people with a deep and burning hatred, with the kind of hatred which, finding itself held insufficiently numerous groups, was capable someday, on some great provocation, of bursting into dangerously malignant flames. But she aped their clothes, their manners, and their gracious ways of living. While proclaiming loudly the undiluted good of all things Negro, she yet disliked the songs, the dances, and the softly blurred speech of the race. Toward these things, she showed only a disdainful contempt, tinged sometimes with a faint amusement. Like the despised people of the white race, she preferred Pavlova to Florence Mills, John McCormack to Taylor Gordon, Walter Hampden to Paul Robeson.”

In this passage, the author depicts Helga as someone who would adapt to a better lifestyle to be accepted by the society, but keep her traditional values. Even though Helga hates white people, she follows their fashion and lifestyle. Helga also prefers the music that the white people like. This shows that Helga is conflicted between the African-American culture and the lifestyle of white people.



 Of or befitting a slave or a menial position

This would be my second vocabulary word for the project, found in the book “Quicksand”. This word was stated by Helga Crane when she was describing what kind of place Naxos was. “She could no longer abide being connected with a place of shame,lies hypocrisy,cruelty,servility and snobbishness”. She wanted to forget and leave this place that she despised so much.


Adjective: callous

Feeling no emotion, feeling or showing no sympathy for others; (a callous indifference to suffering )

I encountered this word in the beginning of “Quicksand” and was one of the words I wanted to use for the project. This is was shown when Helga Crane and Dr. Anderson were having their first conversation. He mentions that “Most people achieve a sort of protective immunity, a kind of callousness, towards them”. He was stating how no matter which community it was, there would always be problems and lies.



The emblems, symbols, or paraphernalia indicative of royalty

I encountered this word in What you pawn i will redeem on page one upper third paragraph on the right of the page.

“I didn’t know for sure,because I hadn’t seen the regalia in person ever.Id only seen a photograph of my grandmother dancing in it.

I knew that regalia had something to do with royalty so it seemed sort of out of place in this story.However it makes sense that people other than royalty have adopted regalia,royal bloodlines have all but dried out.