Author Archives: Jody R. Rosen

Reading and responding to “Cinderella” variants

Margaret Atwood’s “There Was Once” inspired me to think about different versions of the Cinderella story–hers, of course, barely gets started, but is interesting for challenging the expected set-up of the story by exposing the value-laden terms used to establish the characters and setting. After reading the Wikipedia entry on Cinderella and the introduction to The Cinderella Bibliography, you are hopefully interested in reading a few versions. Here are a few you might want to choose from:

Tam and Cam” and another version, “The Story of Tam and Cam“–from Vietnam

Yeh-Shen, A Cinderella Story“–from China

The Little Red Fish and The Golden Clog“–from Iraq

This page has many versions. You might be interested in reading (use the links in the Table of Contents, or use CTRL-F or command-F to search, or just scroll down):

Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper“–from France (Charles Perrault)

“Cinderella” (Aschenputtel)–from Germany (Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm [Brothers Grimm]): the 1812 version and the 1857 version

[EDITED TO ADD: From the comments below, I can see that some classmates have chosen a few stories that can expand our list:

“The Hidden One”-Native American Legend by Aaron Shepard (here is one version)

ā€œThe Baba Yagaā€ (Russia, Aleksandr Afanasyev)

ā€œThe Wicked Stepmotherā€ (India)

Cinderella” (Italy)

ALSO: Chinye: A West African Cinderella

Please add more if you want others to read along with you!]


I’d encourage everyone to read Anne Sexton’s poem, “Cinderella,” as a modern telling and critique of these stories.

Please reply here with a comment saying which version you’re reading. That will allow us to balance our groups for our discussion. If you see that one version is neglected, please consider choosing that one! Ideally, a few students will choose the same version so you can talk together about your version before we have a larger class discussions and short presentations.

After you have read your chosen version, please write a blog postĀ (click on the + at the top of the screen when you’re signed in, or just follow this link) in which you highlight the aspects of the story that were familiar, unfamiliar, surprising, and particularly telling of the values or customs of the culture it came from. Since we discussed blog posts being 300 words, approximately, aim to write 300 words. Your short presentation in class on Monday will come from these thoughts and from your discussion with others who read the same version when we meet in class.

If you have time, try to read more than one version, so we can have more of a comparative discussion. They’re all really interesting, and not particularly long or difficult. If there’s another version you want to share, particularly if there’s one you know from your background, please add it to the comments here so we can add it to our reading list. If you also want to mention more popular or contemporary examples, please do as well!



Gloss: (verb):Ā to provide a gloss forĀ :Ā explain,Ā define

“By the end of the semester, you will have learned at least 15 words of your own choosing plus others your classmates haveĀ glossedĀ for you (scroll down to the 4th instance of the word, definitions 1a and b).” (Blogging Project guidelines)

This means that by the end of the semester, everyone will have done 15 words, so we each benefit from the definitions and explanations our classmates provide on the site.

What is Fiction?

Today we introduced ourselves by sharing what have we read recently.

We also shared our thoughts on the questions:

What is Fiction? What do we think about when we think about fiction?

Answer in a word or a short phrase.

Here are your responses:

Not real
Creative thoughts
Not real
Fairy tale
Anything is possible
Not history
Not fact
Not real life
Fairy tale
Not true
Based on real life

Infinite potential
Alternate universe
Alternate reality
Fairy tales
Not based on real life
Not current events
Fairy tale
Creative imagination
Stories people come up with
Not real
Unreal world
Ideas and emotions of writer act as life force

Creative ideas
Teach morality
Made-up creatures
Fake people
More than books
Anything not real life
Portal into another realm
Untrue stories
Ideal version of reality
Made up

Ā Represented a different way, here are your responses:
Wordle of "What is Fiction?" Graffiti-style font



Although we introduced ourselves in class briefly, and will continue to get to know each other through our discussions in and writing for this class, please write an introduction here (as a comment to this post) as a way to help us get to know each other better. Aim to write 250-300 words. This is your chance to craft how we meet and know you, and with brilliance.

If you have successfully created an OpenLab account, log in before you comment so the system can recognize you. Otherwise, fill in the required information and get started!

Check back again and reply to at least a few of your classmates, asking questions or letting them know about shared interests.

Welcome to ENG 2001!

Welcome spelled with Scrabble tiles

Welcome by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

Welcome to ENG 2001, Introduction to Literature: Fiction. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with this OpenLab course site. Use the top navigation bar to explore different course materials and resources. As the course progresses, we will add new material throughout the site, making it a rich resource for the study of fiction.

So that we can get to know each other better before our second class meeting, you will need to create an OpenLab account (you can follow these instructionsĀ to create an account), add information such as an avatar and bio to your profile, and join our course. Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, and your avatar does not need to be a picture of your faceā€“just something that identifies you on the OpenLab. If you have any questions about the assignment, feel free to get in touch with me. If you need help on the OpenLab, you can consult the Help sectionā€“if you need more help, you can contact the OpenLab Community Team.