Monthly Archives: March 2018


Ardently- adjective

Ardently means characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager support or activity

Meriam- Webster’s dictionary

“Quicksand” by Nella Larsen

“Suddenly she hated then all. Strange, too, for this was the thing which she had ardently desired to share in, to be a part of this movement to one man’s genius and vision”

I understand the meaning of this word in this context because it is saying that she was eager to share what she had to share.



Petulance -noun

petulance means insolent or rude in speech or behavior

Merriam Webster’s dictionary

“Quicksand” by Nella Larsen

“…Whose sensitive and sensuous lips had a slight questioning petulance and a tiny dissatisfied droop….”

This is saying that there was a tone coming from the women’s lips.


Oasis- Noun

Oasis means something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast

Merriam- Webster dictionary

“Quicksand” by nella Larsen

“So large that the spot where Helga sat was a small oasis in a desert of darkness”

This quote is saying that Helga found somewhere that provided relief which was a desert of darkness.



Poignant- adjective

Poignant means painfully affecting the feelings deeply affecting

Merriam- Webster’s dictionary

“Quicksand” by Nella Larsen

“Instinctively Helga was aware that their smiling submissiveness covered many poignant heartaches and perhaps much secret contempt for their instructors”

Now finding out the meaning of this word I now understand that they were showing pain in their face and smiling to cover it.



Apprehension (noun): anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil.

From: Complete Fiction of Nella Larsen; Quicksand “She woke in the morning unrefreshed and with that feeling of half-terrified apprehension peculiar to Christmas and birthday morning.” Helga Crane is always sad and depressed. she doesn’t really enjoy the holidays which brings happiness. She feels terrified when festivals or any holidays come and her personality is not really exciting.


Tangible (adjective): capable of being touched; discernible by the touch; material or substantial.

From: Complete Fiction of Nella Larsen; Quicksand “Yet her conception of it had no tangibility” Helga Crane’s character is very different and she accepts the hatred as if it is a normal life and she thinks happiness isn’t even really important. therefore, she has no will of trying to be happy.



“But what just did she want?”

Helga Crane is having an existential crisis.

happiness: feelings; BEAUTIFUL things, attention

happiness is harder to understand than hate.

Whose thoughts? Helga’s, through the narrator. Are there moments when the narrator tells more than what Helga knows?

the school as machine, cutting everyone out into the same pattern, all accepting of the Naxos mentality.

Helga wants to leave Naxos: this could mean unemployment, venturing into new communities, dealing with different people, money, not having something set up to go to, schedule, benefits (housing!), relationships (only one, with James Vayle), no family to back her up, references, she’s young (22).

James Vayle: he likes his position at the school. Helga’s fiance. they started working at Naxos at the same time, but he assimilated quickly while she has not fit in. He is close with his large, high-standing family.


Project #1:

thesis statement: at the end of the first paragraph.

introduction moves from topic to thesis statement

thesis statement: a roadmap to the rest of your essay, specific to the stories and topics you write about.



 the quality or state of being tranquil and or free from agitation physical or mental

  • the tranquility of the quiet countryside
I encountered this word in the first chapter of quicksand. on page 2
“she loved this tranquility,this quiet  following the fret and strain of the long hours spent among fellow members of a carelessly unkind and gossiping faculty”
I knew this word had something to do with peace.However after reading this i see now that it means more than peace and or multiple forms of peace whether physically,emotionally,mentally or spiritually.


Nasturtium –

(Noun) any of a genus (Tropaeolum of the family Tropaeolaceae, the nasturtium family) of herbs of Central and South America with showy spurred flowers and pungent edible seeds and leaves.

I found this definition on

i found this word in our new story Quicksand Nella  Larsen “on the shining brass bowl crowded with many-colored nasturtiums beside her on the low table, and on he low table, and on the oriental silk which covered the stool at her slim feet.“


Now I understand what was in her bowl. It kinda of gives us a feel of the type of person she is because she has bright colorful flowers in her house.


Zest – (noun) –  an enjoyably exciting quality

In Chapter 1 I happened to stumble across the word zest. On page 11 paragraph 2 the word comes up in the beginning of the paragraph.

“Helga Crane had taught in Naxos for almost two years, at first with the keen joy and zest of those immature people who have dreamed dreams of doing good to their fellow men. But gradually this zest was blotted out, giving place to a deep hatred for the trivial hypocrisies and careless cruelties which were, unintentionally perhaps, a part of the Naxos policy of uplift.”

These two sentences tell me that the “immature people” used to be happy. But as time flew by the happiness went away and in place of the happiness hatred came. It seems that once that happiness was gone bad things started happening and the people changed.
