Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly. (Neil Gaiman)
On one of the Internship classes, we had a guest speaker James Levine. I am always interested in meeting people who have achieved something in life as well as doing the job they love. I find such meetings very informative and useful as they give an insight at the way life can be and that we not always in charge of what happens to us but we are in charge of what we make happen.
During the lecture by James Levine, i learned that the dream of his life was to be a Photographer, which he became thanks to hard work and perseverance. He met with many other great people working for and owning major companies during photography career. I also learned that due to the unfortunate event of loosing clear vision he could not longer continue in the Photography field. So he then put all of his will and motivation into finding a new dream job of career coach. (Here is a link to his career coaching website ). Exactly this fact had the biggest influence on me and that is why i used a quotes by Neil Gaiman to say that “…sometimes when you fall, you fly”, meaning that not all the downfalls break you, sometimes when incident happens, you simply find a new way to be happy again. To me personally this means that no matter what happens to you in life, you are able to find new meaning and interpretation of the new given situation, the most important lesson is – never give up.
The rest of the lecture was information on how to do the job search in a proper and effective way, how to craft your resume and cover letter, how to approach the interviewer and many other useful tips. Also I wanted to mention that towards the end of the class, there was information given on the major advertising companies by James as well as information on many art and design organizations given by Professor Goetz.
During this class, I received a new insight at the creative field of design and advertising, as well as many practical advises about finding a dream job, and also on learning to reconsider your life and your goals and to never give up to matter what life brings you. Be courageous and always move forward!
(Photo source: )
Thank you