Week 4 Assignment – Guest Speaker (Zach Bokuniewicz)

Hello, visitor.

I would like to share my impression from the presentation by Zach. It was very valuable information for me in terms of the internship and job search, dream job hunt and the progression from the current place to the place-to-be.

I found useful advice on branding yourself, asking questions during the interview and also sending a “Thank you letter” after the interview. Steps that everyone should constantly do include improving portfolio and connecting with people from your desired industry. I feel like the more “right” people you know the faster they might lead you to the place where you want to be.

Screenshot from Zach’s presentation

Yet one very important note from Zach, personally for me, was  what kind of company is it better to choose. He mentioned Startups, Small Business and Corporations, describing both pros and cons for each of them.

In conclusion, I would add, that this short interview by Zach was very informative, interesting and inspiring for me, since it made me realize that no matter where you are at the given point, there is always room for development and self-growth and you should never stop improving your work and connect with other inspiring people.

Thank you

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