Monthly Archives: May 2015



Eagle portion is worth 25%

  • Simple schematic and part label parts


To achieve the 15% points for final project

5% Documentation of project

5% Wired Parts and Code

5% Finished project


Things you need to have:

Documentation of working parts:

  • Images and video
  • Code
  • Diagram

Show 3D or laser cut parts

  • Files
  • Diagram how parts work together


To get full 15%

  • User can use and interact with your project
  • Project is enclosed
    • Document laser cut or 3D printed pieces
  • Be able to illustrate how each component would work in sync
    • Diagram


To get 10%

  • Collection of wired parts
  • Working show working code of each wired component
  • Be able to illustrate how each component would work in sync
    • Diagram
  • Document laser cut or 3D printed pieces

To get 5%

  • Collection of wired parts
  • Partial code (must explain how parts would get coded- pseudo code)
  • Be able to illustrate how each component would work in sync
    • Diagram
  • Document laser cut or 3D printed pieces


To get 0%

  • Collection of wired parts incorrectly
    • ie switches and leds
  • No laser cut or 3D printed parts
  • No Documentation