
In the beginning of my internship at Mdrn. Residential, things were rough for me because I felt as though I took a dramatic jump from wild and colorful to calm, cool and collected. The legal documents really didn’t help the situation either, but after I choked on my first day, I made it my mission to do better. As the days went by I began to feel more comfortable and it really started to show in my work. A professor once told me that as artists we are emotional people and we tend to transfer those emotions into our work and it’s true. The more stressed and uncomfortable I was, the longer it took me to complete an assignment and I would want to do it over because it didn’t turn out the way I know it could have.

I began to manage my time better and with Mr. Eyal allowing me to listen to music while I work helped a lot with relaxation. I’m a shy, anxious and nervous person by nature, but I push myself to be more outspoken and driven. Now, whenever I feel myself curling up into a ball, I remember that those who fail are those who are afraid to fail. I’m still a work in progress but this internship has taught me how to communicate with people outside of my age range and cultural background.

I was really proud of myself for being able to complete an entire e-mail blast and send it out to thousands of people in one day. My coding is not very good and so I was nervous I was going to mess up, but then I relaxed myself and tried my best at it and it everything came out great.

I am grateful I had the opportunity to experience a corporate environment and the way the conduct business with their clients. I have always been the artist, but I know that I need to also have a business sense and learn stronger marketing skills. As my internship progresses, I have become faster with my assignments and I was able to create a system where I tackle the hardest thing first and then glide through the easier stuff because it helps save time and I am able to complete my assignments faster.

About RachealJ

"Something for the more real, than real world behind the real" ~Andre Breton
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