Culmination Journal 3

Issue to Consider

I am about 85% finished with the production part of the project, which is where i create and arrange the sounds in Ableton Live. I divided the video footage in to different sections. Each section is a different room, or location of the Mansion property. I started my production process with the less complicated rooms. However i was fooled at times. There were longer parts of the video footage that had a less complicated sound design (less things happening/ less sounds to arrange ect.). Then there were sections that were just a a few seconds long that would have multiple things occurring, or something happening that required more layers of sounds.

The Video footage is about 12 minutes long. The beginning of the video is the camera man just recording the outside of the mansion, it is not part of the actual walk through attraction. I do not think i will include that footage in my project.

Then the camera man is recording some of the inside of the mansion before the actual walk through starts. He did a little bit of video editing in that part of the video footage, doing a fade from 1 room to the next. Though it is not part of the walk through, it is great footage of the hotel, and i love the sounds i designed for it. I will include that in the project which comes before the walk through of the attraction starts. I guess that will enforce the hybrid style project that i am going for which i addressed in a previous Journal.