COMD3527 Advanced Typography

Course Information

Course Number: COMD3527
Course Title: Advanced Typography

Course Description:

Explores design and type sensibilities, challenging students to strengthen their creative and visual aesthetics. With emphasis on sensitivity to type, exercises integrate type within a variety of different mediums including page layouts as well as kinetic design.

Prerequisite: COMD 1257

Credits / Hours: 2 cl hr, 2 lab hrs, 3 cr

Section Number: D038

Class Meetings

  • This class is In-person:
    Thursdays: 2:15to 5:35 in P114

Faculty Information

Prof. Maria Giuliani

Course Objectives

For the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:Evaluation methods and criteria
Design and execute concepts:
-with a complex typographical grid.
-with typographical visual hierarchies within a layout.
Students will demonstrate competency in classroom activities and successful completion of assignments.
Design and execute advanced creative typographical problemsStudents will demonstrate competency in classroom activities and successful completion of assignments.
Design and execute technical
typographical problems
Students will demonstrate competency in classroom activities and successful completion of assignments.

General Education Outcomes

General Education Outcome covered:How the outcome is covered:
Thinking Critically
The student will demonstrate the ability to evaluate evidence and apply reasoning to make valid inferences.
Students will develop their critical thinking by participating in class critiques, applying standards learned in class to their own work and that of classmates.
Social Interaction
The student will demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics.
Students will learn about professional ethics through discussion in class.
Lifelong Learning
The student will demonstrate an awareness of resources for continued lifelong learning.
Students will be directed towards resources and techniques of research they can use as references throughout their careers.

Teaching/Learning Methods

  • Lectures
  • Demonstrations
  • Assignments
  • Discussions
  • Participation activities

TECH Requirements

  • Reliable Internet
  • Adobe CC – Multiple APPS
  • Blackboard for GRADING and Announcements
  • Open Lab for class meetings, handouts, lectures.
  • Dropbox /For submitting work:
    DROPBOX COMD3527 Spring 24
  • Others if needed.


Details are under the schedule tab

Grading Policy

50% — Assignments – homework
25% — Participation: Class Activities/Discussions
25% — Main project(s) with corrected/edited pieces and its presentationsThe detailed grading policy can be found on the Grading Policy page.


The COMD BFA and AAS degrees are design studio programs. In-class laboratory activities and engagement with other students is a significant portion of the courses. Absences more than 10% of the total class hours may result in a 10% drop from your grade due to an inability to meet deliverables of participation. This may be in addition to other penalties that will be imposed for failure to complete in-class academic requirements. Missing more than 25% of total class meetings will not be permitted. Any 2 lateness’s (15 minutes or more) will be equal to 1 absence.

CLASS starts at 2:15 promptly.
A note about work and personal matters

Academic Integrity Policy

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting and citation of sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the college recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension and expulsion. More information about the College’s policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the College Catalog


This is an academic environment. Please follow best practices for face-to-face learning.

  • Cell phones must be turned off during class.
  • No airpods/headphones/games/web browsing/email checking/text messaging/social media, sleeping, etc.
  • ABSOLUTELY no food or drinks inside classroom.
  • In addition to work during meetings there is an expectation of Independent Work. There are no collaborative or group projects in this class, unless instructed by professor. In order to meet the coursework requirements, you are expected to work at least 4 hours each week outside of class meeting time. Do talk with your classmates, show each other work.
  • Paying attention and participating in critiques, presentations, and discussions.
  • During class, move around the classroom and look at the work that your classmates are doing. Ask them questions!
  • Students who are absent are responsible for what was missed.

Extra Work

ABSOLUTELY no extra work for a better grade is given.

Course Activities

  • Homework Assignments / Stand alone or components of a larger project
  • Project (s) / Edited finalized version of multiple assignments and their
  • presentations
  • In-Class Participation Activities
    Research/technical exercises/discussion/posts and others to be completed during class. Instructions for posting your work will be provided in each class agenda.

Semester Assignments:

Theme: Vintage/Retro/Invaluable Objects

Borough Five Vintage is a fictional festival (and/or series of events leading to it) that gathers vintage (clothing/furniture/items) vendors from the five boroughs of NYC: Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island.

This will generate multiple related design pieces (type brand assets, related publication, related presentation)

Professor reserves the right to change the scope of assignments and projects during the semester.

Materials /Supplies

  • Computer with internet access and Adobe CC.
  • Cloud storage and Flash drive (any storage for your files)
  • Sketchbook for notes, ideas, process / pencils
  • Approximately $50 misc expenses (cloud, printing, art materials, etc)

Student Work Samples

Instructor reserves the right to keep reproductions of student work samples to feature on their professional website, as part of their teaching portfolio, and to illustrate points for future classes. Work will be credited.

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